Plenary Speakers

Peter L. Hagelstein
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Recent progress on phonon-nuclear theoretical models
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Recent progress on phonon-nuclear theoretical models

Yasuhiro Iwamura
Tohoku University, Japan
Progress in Energy Generation Research using Nano-Metal with Hydrogen/Deuterium Gas
Tohoku University, Japan
Progress in Energy Generation Research using Nano-Metal with Hydrogen/Deuterium Gas

Sveinn Ólafsson
University of Iceland, Iceland
Experimental setup for studying Rydberg matter of Hydrogen
University of Iceland, Iceland
Experimental setup for studying Rydberg matter of Hydrogen

Alex G. Parkhomov
KIT R&D Laboratory, Russia
Huge Variety of Nuclides that Arise in the LENR Processes. Attempt at Explanation
KIT R&D Laboratory, Russia
Huge Variety of Nuclides that Arise in the LENR Processes. Attempt at Explanation

Francis Tanzella
Energy Research Center LLC, USA
Some Novel Analytical Techniques Applied to LENR Active Materials
Energy Research Center LLC, USA
Some Novel Analytical Techniques Applied to LENR Active Materials

Invited Speakers:(To be continued)

Jean-Paul Biberian
Aix-Marseilles University, France
Laser induced transmutation in palladium thin films in hydrogen atmosphere
Aix-Marseilles University, France
Laser induced transmutation in palladium thin films in hydrogen atmosphere

Nancy L. Bowen
Colorado Mountain College, USA
The Electromagnetic Considerations of the Nuclear Force, Part II: The Determination the Lowest Energy Configurations for Nuclei
Colorado Mountain College, USA
The Electromagnetic Considerations of the Nuclear Force, Part II: The Determination the Lowest Energy Configurations for Nuclei

Francesco Celani
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy
First results on coaxial-coiled thin Constantan wires, by electromagnetic excitation of very high-power density and high voltage pulses, at microsecond time regime
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy
First results on coaxial-coiled thin Constantan wires, by electromagnetic excitation of very high-power density and high voltage pulses, at microsecond time regime

Konrad Czerski
University of Szczecin, Poland
European Union’s Project: Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems (CleanHME)
University of Szczecin, Poland
European Union’s Project: Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems (CleanHME)

Songyuan Ding
Xiamen University, China
Can the collective emission of the excited surface phonon trigger low-energy nuclear reactions?
Xiamen University, China
Can the collective emission of the excited surface phonon trigger low-energy nuclear reactions?

Jirohta Kasagi
Tohoku University
Radiant calorimetry of excess heat production in NiCu multilayer foil with hydrogen gas
Tohoku University
Radiant calorimetry of excess heat production in NiCu multilayer foil with hydrogen gas

Anatoly Klimov
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia
Decay-Instability of Transmutated Chemical Elements Obtained in LENR Experiment
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia
Decay-Instability of Transmutated Chemical Elements Obtained in LENR Experiment

Prahlada Ramarao
Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, India
Direct measurement confirming Generation of Excess Heat
Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, India
Direct measurement confirming Generation of Excess Heat

Tie-Shan Wang
Lanzhou University, China
Abnormal enhancement of nuclear reaction in extreme environments studied by ion beam experiments
Lanzhou University, China
Abnormal enhancement of nuclear reaction in extreme environments studied by ion beam experiments

Wu-Shou Zhang
Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China
Excess heats in a Pd(Pt)-LiOD+D2O reflux open-electrolytic cell
Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China
Excess heats in a Pd(Pt)-LiOD+D2O reflux open-electrolytic cell
Oral Presenters:(To be continued)

Sergio Bartalucci
INFN, Italy
Correlated quantum states in LENR: first exciting results from an experimental test
INFN, Italy
Correlated quantum states in LENR: first exciting results from an experimental test

Philippe Hatt
Independent researcher, Belgium
Atomic Nuclei Binding Energy Similarities between Binding Energy Values of Chemical Elements : Example of Nickel and Copper
Independent researcher, Belgium
Atomic Nuclei Binding Energy Similarities between Binding Energy Values of Chemical Elements : Example of Nickel and Copper

Graham Hubler
University of Missouri, USA
Long Term Anomalous Heat from 9 nm Pd Nanoparticles in an Electrochemical Cell
University of Missouri, USA
Long Term Anomalous Heat from 9 nm Pd Nanoparticles in an Electrochemical Cell

Johannes KAAL
Stichting Structured Atom Model, Netherlands
The Nature of the Atom - An Introduction to the Structured Atom Model
Stichting Structured Atom Model, Netherlands
The Nature of the Atom - An Introduction to the Structured Atom Model

Tomotaka Kobayashi
Waseda University, Japan
Temperature and pressure dependence of anomalous heat generation occurring in hydrogen gas absorption by metal powder
Waseda University, Japan
Temperature and pressure dependence of anomalous heat generation occurring in hydrogen gas absorption by metal powder

Ankit Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Nuclear transmutations are better facilitated by alloys over pure metal cathodes in electrolysis.
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Nuclear transmutations are better facilitated by alloys over pure metal cathodes in electrolysis.

Ubaldo Mastromatteo
ARGAL, Italy
Abnormal absorption of hydrogen in nickel at ambient temperature with associated emission of neutrons
ARGAL, Italy
Abnormal absorption of hydrogen in nickel at ambient temperature with associated emission of neutrons

Irina Savvatimova
MEPHI, Russia
Artificial radioactivity in the nonequlibrium plasma of the glow discharge in Pd-D and Ni-H from the point of view of nuclear-chemical reactions
Video Email
MEPHI, Russia
Artificial radioactivity in the nonequlibrium plasma of the glow discharge in Pd-D and Ni-H from the point of view of nuclear-chemical reactions
Video Email

Zhongqun Tian
Xiamen University, China
Spectro-electrochemical characterization of ultra-thin film of Pd-H/D single-crystal electrode and Au@Pd nanoparticles.
Xiamen University, China
Spectro-electrochemical characterization of ultra-thin film of Pd-H/D single-crystal electrode and Au@Pd nanoparticles.

Vladimir Vysotskii
Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine
LENR Solution of the Cosmological Lithium Problem
Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine
LENR Solution of the Cosmological Lithium Problem

Xingye Wang
Changchun University of Science and Technology, China
Error Analysis in D(H)/Pd Gas-loading System
Changchun University of Science and Technology, China
Error Analysis in D(H)/Pd Gas-loading System